I’m quitting sugar

… for lent.imageWhich is why yesterday this donut happened and it was delicious.

It’s not the first time I’ve given sugar the flick. Back in 2012 I successfully stopped eating the sweet stuff after the whole acute hepatitis episode.

Since then I generally try and keep it to a minimum, and although I don’t think I eat that much- certianly less than your average Aussie- I have noticed myself allowing more of it to sneak in recently.

So when one of my cousins mentioned that she’d given up added sugar for Feb Fast, and reminded us that lent started this week I was inspired. Sugar be gone! The fact that I nearly made myself I’ll on the stuff this past weekend probably helped.

I won’t be following the IQS (or any other) program, instead just going with the flow and being mindful about what goes in my mouth.

There is a good chance the next 40 days will include a fair amount of peanut butter… Wish me luck!

The Run Diaries: 10k week 2


I can’t quite believe I’m already 2 weeks into my training. This week I missed one session on Friday due to some serious cake baking that was taking place (more on that another time).

2 runs this week and I felt pretty good during both of them. The first one was run-walk-run. The second run part was tough, not from a breathing point of view, I think I am getting better at controlling my breathing. But my legs felt so heavy when I started running after the walk section, they were seriously lead-like. I pushed through but I think my pace was slower than normal.

The second was run (2 min)- walk (1 min) intervals. I was sweaty and red faced by the end but felt pretty awesome. All of my run intervals were quick (for me), well under 6 minutes per km. It definitely felt like a natural, comfortable pace, however it’s not one I think I could maintain for a full 10k. So that’s something I’ll be working on.

This week too included my first “virtual run” with the Hogwarts Running Club. I’ve not done a virtual fun run before, but it was nice to think that people from all over the place were doing their own 5k too. I’ll definitely be signing up for another one. image

So week 2 is done and dusted. Looking forward to week 3!

To do: February

imageI’ve decided that 2016 officially starts today, and January was just a bit of a trail run. That’s cool, right?

It’s flown by me and I feel like I wasn’t quite ready and now it’s over and I’m like… Wait, what just happened? February I am hoping will be different, and to help myself feel slightly more in control I’m giving myself a little to do list.

  • complete all runs in my 10k training
  • read 1 book
  • pracice yoga (at least) once a week
  • take G to the pool once a week
  • practice gratitude daily

It may not be a long list, but it doesn’t need to be. Just a few things that I’d like to do over the next 29 days.

Ok February, let’s hang out.

The Run Diaries: 10k training

imageOne of my goals for 2016 is to run 10k.

I worked up to 5k at the end of last year and planned to start 10k training come January 1. It’s now the end of Jan and I’ve not made much progress. I’ve missed planned runs. I’ve stopped mid-run. I just haven’t found a groove.

Rather than get discouraged and throw in the towel- which I would have done in the past- I have created a coach program on the Nike+ running app.

imageI’ve been using the app for ages but haven’t looked into any of the features beyond tracking my runs and walks. I’ve also discov

The program includes run days, cross-train days, walk days and rest days. You check off each day as you complete it so I am hoping that seeing the activities get checked off with help  my motivation.

Here goes nothing!

It’s November.

When my alarm went of this morning I did not want to get up. It’s been the same all week. But like every other morning I dragged myself out of bed, got dressed and took myself off to the gym. I never regret it, but that doesn’t make getting up any easier. 

Today was a little bit different because today is a new month and a fresh start. This month I am going to kick this flat feeling and get back to feeling like me. This month I am going to start a meditation practice. This month I am going to move- only 62.75km left to reach 200 by December 1. This month I will make choices that I will be proud of. This month I will dream big. IMG_5548[1]

It’s difficult to not be optimistic about the month ahead when it starts off looking this good.

What are you doing for yourself in November?


April wrap + May (and June) goals

I feel like I am going to say this every month, but, WHERE DID THE LAST MONTH GO!? Seriously, it does not feel like one month ago that I was writing my goals for April (most of which I am pretty sure I forgot about soon after hitting publish).IMG_2400This is how my morning looked today.

Ok, back to April’s goals…
1. Hydrate! Drink 2 litres of water (at least) a day. I have been very diligent with the water intake this month.
2. Focus on strength. Kind of.
3. One green juice, everyday (weekends too!). Didn’t happen.
4. Be accountable. Check.

Now the goals for this month (or two) are super easy:

1. Finish up uni (May)

2. GO ON A KICK-ASS HOLIDAY (May and June).

That’s it.

March wrap + April goals

Easter is gone and it’s April. How on earth did that happen?IMG_1878If February was all about protein pancakes, then March has been all about green juices and smoothies. Over the Easter weekend I went three days without one and I felt down right average. I think that could be classed as an addiction, but I really can’t feel too bad about it. IMG_1826There was baking in March. Cupcakes. Donuts.

IMG_1909 Monster cakes.

IMG_1977New gym opened and another green beverage.

IMG_2007Oh, and here is the remnants of the Easter slutty brownies.

March has been kind of mental and I cannot believe those 31 days are gone already. If I am honest, my goals were mostly forgotten about in all madness. So, what did I hope to achieve in March?
1. Serious saving. This one I did kind of achieve. Yes it’s a little slow, but I will get there.
2. Run. FAIL.
3. Experiment with sugar/gluten/dairy free chocolate. This happened but it was less than successful. The raspberry fudge was 100% better!
4. Do a little study everyday. FAIL.
5. Keep it lean and green. This, despite some stumbles here and there was probably my most successful goal.
6. Pay attention. FAIL. Well, not an entire fail, but not entirely successful either.

What about April?

1. Hydrate! Drink 2 litres of water (at least) a day.

2. Focus on strength. Whenever I have thrown myself into an exercise regime I have always focused on cardio. This month (after reading about ladies who lift) I am going to make strength my focus and see what happens.

3. One green juice, everyday (weekends too!)

4. Be accountable.

And that’s it because this month I am keeping it simple.

February wrap + March goals

IMG_1705The BF discovered this amazing sugar, dairy and gluten free chocolate in a local supermarket- thank you Piedimontes! The nuts one was perfectly nutty, the goji and coconut one however was like cherry ripe, but with chunky of cherry (goji) and flakes or thick coconut nestled into the super dark chocolate, I could have eaten a bucket of it. AND look how cute the packaging is, and inside these gorgeous little boxes the chocolate was wrapped in really cute paper too. Definitely a highlight of the month. IMG_1668Not a highlight but something that happened regularly… reading my biology textbook and diligently taking notes. IMG_1715This is the cutest honey packaging I’ve ever seen. I didn’t buy it but couldn’t resist taking a photo. IMG_1678Food wise, my month can probably be summed up by protein pancakes (this one was a pancake fail and turned into a scramble, still tasted good). My go-to breakfast.

So I thought that I would have a little look back and February and see how I did with my goals. They were:
1. Euro Adventure research. This month I would like to book our Barcelona accommodation and look into camper van rental in France Our Barcelona hostel was booked on Tuesday night AND we’ve decided on a van.
2. Run! Run! Run! I achieved my 100 by Vday, which was awesome, but since then I have slacked off a bit.
3. Take more photos. I have made a point of taking photos everyday, not all of them are works of art but I like the habit of it.
4. Create a study nook and stay on top of school work. Well this was probably my least successful goal. I did my best to stay on top of my work, and am feeling pretty good about it so far, however I failed to create a nook and as a result the kitchen table and couch are still my study areas. Whoops.
5. Keep it lean and green. I think I have done pretty well in this department overall. I’ve made healthy food choices and have only slipped up a couple of times- who can say no to popcorn I ask you!?

During February I have also taken up swimming, which I am thoroughly enjoying, have taken on a lot more responsibility at work, which is daunting but satisfying  and I have kept up my posts in this little corner of the internet, which makes me exceedingly happy.

For the month ahead- MARCH, how on earth did that happen?- my goals are:

1. Serious saving. With the euro adventure now less than 3 months away I really need to knuckle down with the saving. So for the month of March I will not buy anything that is not food or otherwise essential (essential does NOT include cute glitter nail polish, jeans, ballet flats etc).

2. Run. This one deserves to be on again because I got a bit lax. The couch to 10k app is back on my phone and I am looking forward to having more structure to push me forward.

3. Experiment with sugar/dairy/gluten free chocolate. Inspired by the amazing chocolate up the top of this post and then seeing a recipe for homemade SF, DF, GF chocolate on instagram, and with Easter fast approaching this is the perfect time to play!

4. Do a little bit of study everyday. In theory this will help me to be all over my readings and lectures. We shall see if it happens.

5. (still) Keep it lean and green.

6. Pay attention  Sometimes it feel that at the rate time is moving I will be sitting in a nursing home in the blink of an eye, so this month I would also like to pay more attention to what’s happening around me and smell the roses if you will.

Ok March, bring it.

February goals

20110519-104039.jpg2013 is going to be my year of goals. I am always thinking about what I would like to do but they never end up being written down, so naturally I forget them. I am a list maker.

So, along with my goals for the year I am also going to give myself some monthly goals. They may not be huge, they may not be impressive, but they will be mine- excuse the corniness of that sentence.

Things I want to do in February:

1. Euro Adventure research. This month I would like to book our Barcelona accommodation and look into camper van rental in France.

2. Run! Run! Run! In order to achieve the ‘run a 10k’ goal I can’t slack off. The Tone It Up 100 by Vday challenge has been particularly helpful in this department (I am currently at ).

3. Take more photos.

4. Create a study nook (the kitchen table does not count) and stay on top of school work

5. Keep it lean and green

February… let’s do this.