The Run Diaries: 10k week 3


I felt pretty darn good about week 3.

Processed with MOLDIV

Having never been much of a weekend exerciser before I am surprised at how much I enjoy my Saturday runs- I feel like it sets me up for a successful and productive day.

This week I added in some workouts from the Nike Training Club app too, I’ll definitely continue with them because you get an amazing workout and do not have to think at all. I love the fact that each move is timed and they tell you what to do. And my legs were seriously feeling the burn. So. Good.

An happy side effect I’ve noticed in the last week is that I feel a lot more grounded and in control when I’ve done a good workout that day. Its not something that necessarily surprises me, but certianly something I’ve needed after notching that I’ve been feeling a bit low and anxious recently.

When I started this program I did it with the idea that afterwards I might move on to Half Marathon training… And although I am so far really enjoying my runs, the thought of running for 2+ hours just isn’t that appealing. By the end of the 8 weeks I may change my mind, but at the moment I am thinking that 10k will be quite enough. I’ll have to find another new challenge instead.

Happy running!

The Run Diaries: 10k week 2


I can’t quite believe I’m already 2 weeks into my training. This week I missed one session on Friday due to some serious cake baking that was taking place (more on that another time).

2 runs this week and I felt pretty good during both of them. The first one was run-walk-run. The second run part was tough, not from a breathing point of view, I think I am getting better at controlling my breathing. But my legs felt so heavy when I started running after the walk section, they were seriously lead-like. I pushed through but I think my pace was slower than normal.

The second was run (2 min)- walk (1 min) intervals. I was sweaty and red faced by the end but felt pretty awesome. All of my run intervals were quick (for me), well under 6 minutes per km. It definitely felt like a natural, comfortable pace, however it’s not one I think I could maintain for a full 10k. So that’s something I’ll be working on.

This week too included my first “virtual run” with the Hogwarts Running Club. I’ve not done a virtual fun run before, but it was nice to think that people from all over the place were doing their own 5k too. I’ll definitely be signing up for another one. image

So week 2 is done and dusted. Looking forward to week 3!

The Run Diaries: 10k week 1

So week 1 of my 10k training consisted of only 1 real run. But that’s cool because I pretty much nailed it. imageIt wasn’t a straight run- because this is a beginner program and I may have thrown up on my shoes if it was. Instead it was run-walk intervals. To be honest I’ve tried to stay away from the old run-walk interval because I find myself just counting down the seconds until I get to walk again. And yes, I did some of that during this run, but I also enjoyed the running bits, so that’s kinda cool.

Masked from the run, I also did a lot of walking and some swimming one morning (for cross training)- and I had totally forgotten how much of a workout swimming is! The only bummer is that I can’t wear my Fitbit while doing it so I don’t get to see what my heart rate does.

This is how my week lookedimage

Overall I feel good about how week 1 has gone, and I am looking forward to seeing how things progress.

The Run Diaries: 10k training

imageOne of my goals for 2016 is to run 10k.

I worked up to 5k at the end of last year and planned to start 10k training come January 1. It’s now the end of Jan and I’ve not made much progress. I’ve missed planned runs. I’ve stopped mid-run. I just haven’t found a groove.

Rather than get discouraged and throw in the towel- which I would have done in the past- I have created a coach program on the Nike+ running app.

imageI’ve been using the app for ages but haven’t looked into any of the features beyond tracking my runs and walks. I’ve also discov

The program includes run days, cross-train days, walk days and rest days. You check off each day as you complete it so I am hoping that seeing the activities get checked off with help  my motivation.

Here goes nothing!

Workin’ it: run girl, RUN

Friend: I’m just not a runner
Me: nor am I, but no one is born a runner.
Friend: true
Me: well, except maybe Ethiopians and Kenyans, but they have to run away from lions and things. 


My poorly articulated point here was that perhaps Ethopians and Kenyans had running ingrained into their DNA? It seems unlikely, I grant you, however what other explanation could there be for the huge number of runners from these nations who crush it in international competition?

If running is DNA related then I have a bone to pick. You see my sister is currently in training for her second Oxfam Trailwalker. For those who are not familiar with this event is a 100k trail, and the terrain is hardly forgiving. And my dear sister is going to run it. The mere thought of this makes me slightly light headed. My point, and I promise I have one, is if she can do it and we received DNA from the same parents, then why can’t I? I should point out that 12 months ago I was right into running. I even trained with my crazy, inspirational sister, baby runs for her were monster ones for me, but I still kept pace. By March I was running 10k and then my knee went a bit funny, I lost my running mojo and it all fell apart.

While sitting in some truly horrendous traffic on the way home today I took photos of my side mirror…

IMG_1683Irrelevant, I know. After that though I had a peruse of my Tone It Up app and saw this…

IMG_1682A post from Katrina and Karena about running. And it could not have arrived at a better time. So after reading away as I crawled from light to light I found myself thinking, why can’t I be a runner? And if I am honest, there is no reason. There are excuses sure, I’m tried, My legs are sore (from all those deadlifts yesterday!), It’s too hot, ra ra ra… but they’re just excuses, aren’t they? I make up, they’re not real.

So with this in mind, tomorrow morning I am going to get up when that bootycall alarm goes off at 5.30am and I am going to run. And I will continue to wander on back to Tone It Up (as I do most days if I’m honest) over the next two weeks for more tips about making running fun and part of my life. DNA or not, this is going to happen.

I am not a runner, yet.