Getting ready for the sun…

IMG_4877Spring is upon us, and summer is just around the corner!

Now I do love a Melbourne winter, but I am pretty excited to see a run of sunny 24 and 25 degree days ahead. In preparation I am embarking on a few challenges.

1. 200 by Summer
Inspired by a post I saw on the Tone It Up! community I am aiming to complete 200km by December 1. In an effort to make this not quite so daunting I worked out that starting on September 1 that’s about 2.2km a day, now that’s not nearly as intimidating! A few days in (I started on August 29) and I have already clocked up 12.45km- not a bad start.

2. Move + NourishIMG_4885Lee over at Fitness in the City has launched a September clean eating and exercise challenge and I was quick to sign up. The idea is simple focus on eating real, whole foods and making an effort to move everyday. She’s even provided a handy e-book with recipes, shopping lists and workout ideas to set you up for success. I’m already looking forward to feeling lighter and more energised for trips to the beach.

3. Drop it like a SQUAT!IMG_4883

Because who doesn’t want a strong booty?

What are you doing to get ready for summer?

I’m alive!

It’s been a little quiet around here in the last couple of weeks, there has been so much going on I’ve barely had time for anything, except for instagram, of course.

So, what’s been happening? Work, mainly. It’s all probably rather boring, as work often is, so I’ll just show you some photos instead.  IMG_1940Failing to plan is planning to fail! It may be cheesy but it does ring true. I was working out of the office most of last week, and that meant packing tasty and healthy treats to keep me satisfied.

IMG_1962This is where I was. The Melbourne International Flower and Garden Show. Our little tent was in a prime position.

IMG_1970Although it was a little bit too warm when the sun was really beating down. I thought winter was supposed to be on the way? Apparently not.

IMG_1963Lots of green juice and smoothies. I think I might be obsessed.

IMG_1952Went out for dinner with a friend, it was delicious. More on that soon.

IMG_1967Saturday morning breakfast with the BF… we had to stray from our usual spot due to the early hour. I wasn’t too happy about my photo being taken.

IMG_1968I was, however, super happy with my- not entirely breakfasty- breakfast. I still don’t really know what it was, a salad on flat bread and some spicy sausage on the side. Ah-may-zing.

IMG_1969I had a duck/bird visitor in the tent over the weekend. He came to hang out for a while and then wandered off. Children found this hilarious. I was also told that he pooped on the grass beside my tent before sneaking his way under the side. Maybe it was the poop they found hilarious…

That’s kind of it. I was in the beautiful Carlton Gardens for 5 days handing out magazines and bluffing my way through landscaping related questions. I drank a lot of green juice. I took photos.

And now it’s only a few days until Easter, 4 days off! And then next week I am 31… madness!