Choose Your Own Ice Pop Adventure

Summer is coming! We’ve already had a few glimpses of it here in Melbourne- our new AC units cannot be installed quick enough.

Now I am not what you call a hot weather kid, give me Autumn crispness any old day, but the warmer weather does have its perks, one of which is devouring sweet, frozen treats.

The problem with most icy poles is that they are loaded with sugar and artificial nasties, so this year I wanted to create a cleaner, healthier version.

First of course we needed the moulds. Now most of the moulds you can get here are little, kiddy type ones.  They would not do at all. Amazon naturally provides s variety of better options.

Ice pop moulds


Once you’ve got the hardware the rest is up to your imagination! We started with a banana smoothie pop. Then a raspberry-mint yoghurt.

Watermelon margerhita

Watermelon Margerhita- juice watermelon, lime and mint.

Pear-pine devine

Pear-pine Devine- juice pineapple, pear, apple, lemon.

Peaces 'n' (coconut) cream

Peaches ‘n’ (coconut) cream- blend peaches, add coconut milk.

The options are truly endless. All you need to do is blend, or juice, pour, and freeze! BOOM!

To blog or not to blog…

I’ve stared this post numerous times. Generally in the shower or while I’m making little G’s bottle, or any other time when actually getting it out isn’t really possible.

Right now, I am on the couch watching Rage (an Australian weekend institution for those of you not familiar) with a bowl of half eaten yogurt, strawberries and banana beside me, and a sleeping baby lying across my lap- hence the half eaten breakfast.

Little G is now 7 and a half weeks old- by the time I actually post this she’ll probably be 2 months or more. And since her arrival time has gone by in a bit of a blur and my days have suddenly become strangely full, and yet not at all productive. It’s difficult to explain. And when I have a moment to myself I think about this little corner of the Internet and I miss it.

I didn’t realise just how long it had been… more than 3 months. That’s too long, way too long. And I’d like to say that it won’t happen again but I can’t guarantee it, unfortunately.

My problem is that no matter how much I enjoy rambling away here I find myself wondering if I really have very much to say. This morning though, while on our morning walk I realised that all I need to write about what’s going on with me, it is Erin Maynie Everyday after all…

So that’s what’s going to happen! But first… here’s the source of all the distraction

Me and Little G


Anzac Biccies

I’m a few months late… I had intended on making these since before Anzac Day (celebrated in Australia and New Zealand on April 25) but just hadn’t gotten around to it until now.

Actually, that’s not entirely true…  I did attempt a gluten and refined sugar free anzac a month or so ago but it was not what you’d call a success what with me eating half of the mixture uncooked- thanks to the lack of eggs- and the other half congealing into one large biscuit while in the oven. Whoops.

This second attempt happened because on my “time out” afternoon one of my treats was a vegan anzac and hot-damn it was sensational. So much so that the following day I stocked up on ingredients and got to baking.

Anzac biscuits

I wasn’t so concerned with keeping these babies vegan, but still wanted to give them a gluten and refined sugar free twist.

This time around I also followed a recipe- always helpful. And I am please to announce that they were exactly what I was after! Just out of the oven they were crunchy on the edges and chewy in the middle. The following day they were super-chewy all over. As a result I may bake them for a little longer next time, because there will most definitely be a next time!

Anzac biscuits

I pretty much stuck to the recipe entirely, aside from subbing the macadamias for additional oats, so there is really no need to rehash it here, head on over to I Quit Sugar and get baking!

Oh and if you’re wondering… they go particularly well with Greek yoghurt and fresh juicy strawberries…

Anzac biscuits

Time out.


Sometimes you just need to call “time out” on life. Which is precisely what I did yesterday.

A walk in the sun and fresh air. A treat or two. Feet up couch time. And today, I am feeling so much better for it.

My days recently have felt really slow, but the weeks seem to be passing in the blink of an eye, I mean… 35 weeks pregnant, how did that happen? Work has been strange/boring/overwhelming with me being the only one in the office 90% of the time. And then there is planning for baby (we bought a pram and Ergobaby carrier, and have a cot sorted too), along with our quickly approaching house move- yes it’s only across the driveway but everything still needs to be packed! It just feels like there is a lot going on generally. So it’s not all that surprising that I needed to press pause and take a little time for myself.

The one thing that seems to be getting side-lined more than anything else in my advanced stages of baby-growing is exercise. I have accepted that this is a fact of life (and does not require stressing over) until I finish work in 2 short weeks! (!) after which I will have more time to myself and hence more time for movement. Yesterday’s walk felt so restorative that I am really looking forward to getting back into a (hopefully) daily routine of outdoor movement.

What do you do when you need a time out?

Chocolate Bliss Balls

Growing this baby has made my sweet tooth ramp up to formerly unknown heights. After the whole liver thing 2 years ago (I cannot believe it’s been 2 years already!?) I cleaned up my diet a lot and pretty much cut out all refined sugar. I maintained it for quite some time, taking a break at Christmas (obviously), but for the most part I was a sugar free individual.

Then we went to Europe. And, well, what’s Europe without Italian Gelato and French pastries? Nothing, that’s what. So naturally I went on a sugar bender for roughly 6 weeks, and I do not regret a minute of it.

Once we got home though, my sweet tooth was tingling and taking myself back to a sugar-free place was challenging. But I tried. Once pregnant however, I found myself making exceptions, oh some chocolate here is ok, a little this and that won’t hurt. I am pregnant after all. And cravings are your body telling you what it needs!

I am pretty sure my body doesn’t need Crunch chocolate…

So, in an effort to tame my sweet tooth I decided I needed an alternative. Enter the Chocolate Bliss Ball. I’ve made a couple of batches but this latest one is definitely my favourite. Sweet, chewy, chocolatey and rolled in coconut. How can you lose?

raw chocolate balls

Chocolate Bliss Balls
(I adapted this recipe from another one that I can’t find now… when I do I’ll be sure post it)

1 cup sunflower seeds
1 cup roasted hazelnuts
12-15 medjool dates (depending how chevy you want them)
2-3 tbsp cacao
2-5 tbsp vanilla almond milk
Big pinch of salt
Desiccated coconut (for rolling)

1. Blend your hazelnuts and sunflower seeds in a food processor until crumbly looking, you don’t want them to get to a paste stage
2. Add all you other ingredients and blend. Depending on how sticky and wet you want your mix you can add a little more milk here
3. Roll your balls and toss them around in coconut to coat
4. Place in the fridge or freezer to firm up

I store these babies in the freezer. They stay chewy and are sensational icy cold- I think that’s another preggo thing, really cold things.

Chocolate Bliss Balls

Anyway, a clean, vegan, refined sugar free treat that’s bursting with goodness and you don’t need to feel guilty about! But be warned… they are rather addictive!

Over the weekend 1

I had one of those moments on Saturday morning, where I was just stoked with where we live. I had enjoyed my favourite chai, finished the grocery shopping,  visited a new local organic grocer – Aunt Maggie’s- where I was able to refill my Grateful Harvest Kombucha bottle (win!), and was on my way to a new little donut place that is only open between 8am and 3pm on Friday and Saturday, when it just occurred to me that I love Brunswick. And I am so very happy that we don’t have to leave this little hood (that’s a post for another day).

Brunswick Food Store- soy chai

The Brunswick Foodstore does THE best soy chais.

Aunt Maggie's Brunswick

Aunt Maggie's- Brunswick

Aunt Maggie’s has opened up right near where I do the grocery shopping. Organic, whole foods heaven.

Grateful Harvest Kombucha

Ginger Kombucha. Be still my heart.

the bump: 31 weeks

All Day Donuts

I went with… the OG Glaze, Lime Brûlée, Coffee glaze with chocolate crumb and passionfruit curd filling, and the Raspberry glaze with raspberry and white chocolate crumble. I have been dreaming of donuts for a couple of weeks now, but not just any donut, I wanted a Doughnut Plant donut. When I saw photos of the All Day Donut numbers in instagram during the week I thought I might have found an alternative to Doughnut Plant. Unfortunately, they didn’t quite live up to my expectations. The donut themselves were plain and relied on the glaze and filling for flavour, they were also a little dense for my liking. But I’m glad I tried it. Next weekend I might have to go in search of Doughboys…

All Day Donuts

My productive Saturday continued once I arrived home- at 9.30am!- and whipped up some raw chocolate bliss balls (recipe coming soon) and pumpkin soup (recipe here).

raw chocolate balls

Pumpkin soup prep

The rest of the day was spent attempting to do an essay that was due on Sunday. I got about 200 words in before my brain pretty much shut down and I knew nothing else was getting done.

Sunday Breakfast: Small block

Small Block is, and may always be, my favourite breakfast place. The staff are lovely and know that the BF and I both want English Breakfast tea before we sit down and the bacon is second to none. I am really looking forward to having a runny egg yolk once baby arrives…

Once breakfast was done it was time to get back to essay writing… instead I did two loads of laundry and baked some banana-blueberry muffins (another recipe I will get to you soon). I never feel the need to do laundry as much as when I have homework to do. I almost folded everything too, but resisted- which yes means there is a pile of clean clothes on our living room floor (no need for photos of that).

Banana-blueberry muffins

I have decided that I think I prefer exams to essays. There is something comforting about having a answer that is either right, or it’s not. Essays are all about how you argue, and maybe I’m just not that good at arguing… at least it’s now done and submitted.

Essay writing

What did you with your weekend?

Two. Months.

The countdown continues, but now I feel like we’re at the business end.


Yesterday I ticked over 31 weeks, so our weekly countdown is now into single digits and today it’s precisely 2 months until this little life is due to enter the world. As this is my first I am well aware that it could stretch out a further week, but that’s not the point, the point is that it’s due in 2 months. Holy cow.

So what’s been going on in preggo-land? Well…

– I am in love with these dresses (which I wear as tops) I have 2 in black, one black and grey stripe and one burgundy. A number of my old tops have now been officially retired for the moment because they no longer cover the bump
– I have discovered that you can camouflage two liquid iron sachets in a green smoothie no worries
– Baby is kicking and wiggling like crazy, and I love it
– There are still some foods that I just don’t want to eat, risotto and tostadas being the main ones (much to the BF’s disappointment)
– Getting up in the morning to exercise before work is increasingly difficult (ie. impossible)
– Lunch time walks at work are a must
– I am back tracking my steps and sleep on the fitbit. I dropped my step goal considerably but it still encourages me to move more during the day
– A mental list is already forming of all the things I would like to eat once baby is here, the list includes: poached eggs, soft cheese, bbq chicken
– Most of the time I pretty much feel like a supermodel… seriously in love with my pregnant belly
– Not in love with the sore back and ribs

I could go on… and on, but that’s about enough for the moment.


Banana Bread (again)


My Saturday has included
– breakfast
– baking
– a failed trip to H&M (pro-tip: don’t go on a Saturday, just don’t)
– a large hot chocolate
– vegemite and cheese toastie

The baking has been the highlight (well along with breakfast). Unconsciously I think I have been on a search for my ideal banana bread. It’s tricky. I don’t want to fill it full of sugar. I’d rather make it gluten free. Most importantly, it’s gotta be damn tasty. And I think I may have found it.

Four words.

One. Bowl. Banana. Bread.

It’s also gluten free, and has only bananas and maple syrup for sweetness. I found it on Minimalist Baker, which I have been drooling over for sometime now but have yet to jump in and make any of the creations. What better place to dive in than with banana bread. Especially when you only need one bowl.

We start where all good banana breads start… with mashed, overripe bananas

banana bread: mashed bananas

Next up we add everything except are three flours

banana bread

Once whisked it’s time to add the oats, almond meal and gluten free flour.

banana bread

We whisk again and into the greased and lined tin it goes.

banana bread

Even at this point, I’ve gotta admit it smells delightful. Into the oven it goes for 45 minutes to an hour. I probably could have left mine in a little longer but considering I am planning to toast it for breakfast I figured it didn’t matter too much.

banana bread

Banana Bread (adapted from Minimalist Baker)

3 ripe bananas
1/2 tsp vanilla bean paste
1 egg
3 tbsp melted butter
1/4 cup maple syrup
3.5 tsp baking soda
a big pinch of salt
1/2 tsp cinnamon
3/4 cup vanilla almond milk
3ish tsp apple cider vinegar
1 1/4 cup almond meal
1 1/4 cup oats
1 1/4 cup gluten free flour (I used Bob’s Red Mill)

1. preheat oven to 180*c
2. mash your bananas in a bowl
3. add everything except the almond meal, oats and GF flour. Reserve the cider vinegar too. Whisk it up.
4. add your cider vinegar and give it another little whisk, it’ll fizz a bit.
5. almond meal, oats and GF flour are added, mix it up.
6. pour your batter into a loaf tin and bake for 45 minutes to 1 hour.

You’re done! Now all you have to do is clean up the mess created in the process…

banana bread: behind the scenes

banana bread: behind the scenes

This is pretty much how my kitchen looks every time I bake something… In my defence I did clean the whole place up afterwards!

A long weekend

Like everyone else on the planet, I love a long weekend. There is something so delightful about getting to Sunday night and realising that you don’t have to be in the office the following morning. Bliss. Serious bliss.

This weekend we down here in Australia (apparently with the exception of Perth for some reason) celebrated the Queen’s Birthday. Even though the actual Queen’s Birthday is not in June. It’s weird. But I will not object to a day at home.

It wasn’t a terrible eventful weekend but it was lovely nonetheless… here are a few photos of this and that…

Homemade lemonade- The Local Burger Co

I remembered to order the homemade lemonade at The Local Burger Co. on Friday night. Tangy, delicious and super cute!

Small Block breakfast for 2

Small Block. Our breakfast venue of choice.

East Brunswick street art

East Brunswick street art

A little East Brunswick street art.

sunshine strolls

It was a perfect day to walk home in the sun.

Saturday baking: raspberry white chocolate loaf and banana loaf

And any day is perfect for baking. These two loaves- raspberry, white chocolate and coconut on the left, and banana and milk chocolate on the right- went off to a friend who is a new mama six week olds don’t leave a whole lot of time for anything aside from feeding and nappy changing…

Loving Earth caramel

I’ve been meaning to try Loving Earth caramel for ages… it was pretty impressive.

Breakfast quesadilla

Sunday breakfast. There is cheese, avocado, mushrooms and ham in that puppy. I’m a sucker for a quesadilla.

Mojo ginger kombucha

For some reason the grocer near my work has stopped stocking the ginger number… why, oh why!? It’s the best one!

perfect avocado

PERFECT AVOCADO. This went into yet another quesadilla…

mermaid yogi

For the month of June I decided I’d take on an Instagram yoga challenge. The one I picked is Mermaid Yogis. This is days 7, 8 and 9. There was also a 45 minute flow on Yogaglo. I am really enjoying yoga at the moment. White tshirts seem to make me look particularly pregnant… the bump is even poking out on the top left!

vegie fritters

Vegetable fritter mix. The only thing I dislike about making fritter mix is that you need to squeeze out the liquid from your veggies. No matter how much I squeeze there is always juice in the bottom of the bowl. Why? I tried to compensate with quinoa flour, I think it went pretty well. I’m already looking forward to chowing down on these puppies with avocado, and tuna for lunch. Yum.

Today I have also managed to knock off a lecture on carbohydrates. It’s nice to have started subjects that are more nutrition focused rather than the general biology and chemistry. I’m looking forward to getting into more of the nitty-gritty of nutrition.

And that’s it. The weekend is pretty much done. And as much as I do not want to go into the office tomorrow, at least I know it’s only for 4 days and then we’re back to the weekend again.

Enjoy your week!



Zesty Lemon Curd

Last week life (ie. my work collegue) gave me lemons. I immediately knew that they were destined for lemon curd that would be piled high with meringue for a Mother’s Day Lemon Meringue Pie. It wouldn’t just be any ordinary pie though, oh no, this would be a testament to the fact that most anything can have a healthier twist. It was going to be glorious.

That plan hit a road block, or two.

Road block one: the pie crust recipe I planned to use (this one) used almond meal/flour. After my baking bonanza the previous weekend that result in delicious savoury muffins and banana walnut loaf, my almond meal stores were depleted. And for whatever reason when I went in search for it, my usual haunts either didn’t  have it, or it was appallingly expensive. So instead I decided to use quinoa flour.

I should point out that this baked up a treat. It was crumbly and fragrant and altogether lovely. However, it was not a sweet pie crust. Pop a quiche in that sucker and it would have been a dream, but the sweet and tangy filling I had in mind just wasn’t going to work.

Road block two: sugar, though generally thought of as evil, not only provides sweetness to your meringue but also structure (as my father tells me). A half-half ratio of coconut sugar and stevia, although providing gorgeous colour and a deep caramel flavour, does not provide such structure. As a result my Italian meringue was weepy and without structural integrity.

Through all of this however, the lemon curd was a triumph. It was tangy and just sweet enough to not make your face screw up too much- it should probably be noted here that I love a super tangy lemon curd.

Ingredients at the ready. There actually isn’t very much to this recipe at all. And as soon as I am flush with freshly picked lemons again you can bet I’ll whip up another batch exclusively for toast.IMG_1145

Sweetener. Eggs. Zest. Whisk. Whisk. Whisk.IMG_1146

Add butter (or coconut oil or ghee).IMG_1147

And your lemon juice.IMG_1148

From here it goes onto the heat and you whisk away. A note, make sure you’re getting all the way to the corners of your pot, when my curd went into a bowl there were some semi-scrambled egg bits around the edges.

Anywho… once your butter has melted and the whole mixture has thickened pour it through a sieve (if you’re opposed to lemon zest in your teeth and generally getting in the way of the beautiful smoothness) in a bowl. Leave it to firm up a little more in the fridge and try not to eat it with a spoon. It’ll be hard, but just try.IMG_1149

Zesty Lemon Curd (I doubled the original recipe, I’m a lemon curd glutton, what can I say)

6 eggs
1 cup lemon juice
2 tbsp lemon zest (about 2 lemons)
170g butter, cubed
1/2 cup rice malt syrup

1. Add your eggs, rice malt syrup and lemon zest in a small to medium saucepan. Whisk away until combined and a bit paler (mine didn’t really lighten much so don’t stress too much)
2. Add you butter, then you lemon juice
3. Time to heat it up, put you pot over medium heat. Stir/whisk constantly. Your butter will melt and then everything should start to thicken up. It will be a bit like custard, and coat the back of a spoon (I wish I could tell you how long this took however I totally zoned out and was kind of in a lemon curd haze, it was quite relaxing actually)
4. Sieve your curd, if you’re opposed to zesty bits, into a bowl. Let it cool before refrigerating
5. Eat with a spoon directly from the bowl. Or on toast. Or in a pie. Or, as we did, in a deconstructed pie of sorts layered with biscotti, raspberries, meringue, and cream