Just. Eat. Real. Food

BreakfastA couple of weeks ago I started my second Whole 30.

My first attempt happened in 2013 when the BF and I arrived home from Europe with a couple of extra (gelato and french pastry fuelled) kilos hanging around.

The basic premise is 30 days (or more if you need them) of strict eating. No grains. No dairy. No sugar. No legumes. No booze. No treats. Nothing processed. Just meat, fruit, vegetables, eggs and nut, pretty much. It sounds super daunting at first, but it doesn’t take long to get into a rhythm with it.

This time around I made it two weeks before it was Valentine’s weekend, on which I had a Hen’s night and a baby free lunch with all of the women from my mother’s group. Both of which saw me indulge in pretty much everything on the NO list. And I regret nothing- well maybe that cocktail after three glasses of sparkling…

The delicious debauchery was a two night stand only… and as of this morning I am back on the wagon. But not quite the Whole 30 wagon.

While out walking this morning I got to thinking that maybe the Whole 30 wasn’t quite right for me. I enjoy it, absolutely, but if I ate good food all the time then wouldn’t I feel good all the time? Why limit it to a month here and there?

Why indeed!?!

I think I had a bit of an epiphany. It’s not so much a Whole 30 I need but an Intentional/Mindful Eating Challenge, because if I’m honest I have some bad habits when it comes to food, in no particular order…
– I can be a bit of a binger
– I eat when I am bored or upset or happy
– I zone out and eat without thinking
I’m sure there are more but these are the main ones. And I won’t kid myself into thinking that eating clean can solve it, because you can binge on “healthy” foods just as easily as unhealthy ones.

Nut butter straight from the jar anyone?

So here I am at the beginning of what I am hoping is my own little eating revolution. I will focus on whole, unprocessed foods that nourish and fuel my body the right way.

In short I will JUST EAT REAL FOOD.

Stay tuned for updates!